ESCAPE partners gathered in Dublin, Ireland on April 20th and 21st for our second General Assembly. Many thanks to Frank Doyle at RCSI for organising such a fantastic meeting and a great tour of the historic building.
We are delighted that ESCAPE’s clinical trial is recruiting patients in all eleven clinical trial sites. As such, the team had fruitful discussions on how to optimise patient recruitment and how best to promote our project going forward.
We were joined by multiple special guests in Dublin. Ronan O’Carroll, Angie Brown and Rod Taylor, from ESCAPE's Advisory Board, provided perceptive feedback on the work to date and opportunities to enhance our project going forward. Notably, Rod Taylor shared his insights from the REACH-HF project, for which he is the co-chief investigator. REACH-HF has completed an RCT assessing a home-based rehabilitation intervention in patients with heart failure and their caregivers across the UK. Finally, thanks to Ed Gregg for introducing ESCAPE to RCSI's forthcoming School of Population Health.
Well done to the whole consortium for their efforts this year, we are looking forward to moving into Year 3 and seeing what interesting results we generate!