ESCAPE partners gathered in Odense, Denmark on September 1st & 2nd for our first General Assembly. During the meeting, partners presented an overview of all work carried out to date across the work packages.
As the clinical trial begins recruiting patients, the General Assembly provided an excellent opportunity for the clinical trial sites to coordinate their actions and brainstorm patient recruitment approaches. Beyond the clinical trial, we had productive updates on the BCC intervention, a session on how to best utilise social media, discussions on longer-term implementation and much more.
A highlight of the meeting included an energising session led by Mette Nyberg – from lunges and jumping jacks, we got to experience an activity ESCAPE’s care managers will use with the patients during the clinical trial.
Many thanks to Susanne S. Pedersen and Helle Lyngborg at Syddansk Universitet, for organising such a fantastic meeting.
We are now at M18 of the project and at a very exciting time, be sure to check back on the website, Twitter (@ESCAPEProjecteu) and ResearchGate.